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Búsqueda por tema: Young stellar objects.
Mostrando 1-6 de 6 resultados, ordenados por
1. ALMA-IMF. IX : catalog and physical properties of 315 SiO outflow candidates in 15 massive protoclusters / A. P. M. Towner ... [et al.]. 2024 Artículo de revista

2. Disk and Envelope Streamers of the GGD 27-MM1 Massive Protostar / M. Fernández-López ... [et al.]. 2023 Artículo de revista

3. Gravity-driven Magnetic Field at 1000 au Scales in High-mass Star Formation / Patricio Sanhueza ... [et al.]. 2021 Artículo de revista
Est. D
4. Low-level Carbon Monoxide Line Pation in Two Protoplanetary Disks: HD 1425D 142527 and IM Lup / Ian W. Stephens ... [et al.]. 2020 Artículo de revista
Est. D
5. G 126.1-0.8-14: A molecular shell related to Sh2-187 / S. Cichowolski ... [et al.]. 2014 Artículo de revista
Est. D
6. X-ray structures from outflowing young stellar objects interacting with the interstellar medium / Mariana Orellana ... [et al.]. 2012 Artículo de revista
Est. D

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